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How to Plan a CX Budget

How To Plan A CX Budget

Now is the time that many companies are embarking on their 2024 budget planning process, so we thought we'd weigh in on things to consider when budgeting for your company's customer experience (CX) programs. By aligning your CX goals with broader organizational objectives, identifying necessary actions and resources, and tying your goals to KPIs, you can ensure that your CX budget is not just an expenditure but a valuable investment in the growth and longevity of your business.


Align with Company Goals

The first step in creating a customer experience budget is to align your CX initiatives with your company's overarching goals. More likely than not these goals will revolve around revenue and profit. Tying your CX program to your company's revenue and profit goals is crucial for demonstrating the value of CX efforts and ensuring they contribute to the overall success of your business.

Here's how a strategic focus on CX can translate into increased revenue:

Enhancing the customer journey

Your CX strategy should be geared towards refining every step of the customer journey. This includes optimizing touchpoints, ensuring a seamless purchasing process, and providing exceptional post-purchase support. A well-structured journey keeps customers engaged and fosters loyalty, directly impacting revenue.

Innovating Based on Feedback

Customer feedback is a goldmine of innovation. By actively listening to your customers and acting on their suggestions, you can develop new products or services or enhance existing offerings that precisely align with their needs and preferences. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but can lead to revenue growth.

Tracking Key Metrics for Success

Net Revenue Retention

Gauge the effectiveness of your CX initiatives by tracking how well they retain and expand revenue from existing customers. A high net revenue retention rate reflects strong customer loyalty and repeat business.

New Accounts

Measure the acquisition of new customers through CX-driven initiatives. An effective CX strategy can attract a steady influx of new clientele, broadening your customer base and revenue streams.

Customer Lifetime Value

Delve into the comprehensive value each customer brings over their lifetime. By nurturing long-term relationships and ensuring consistent satisfaction, you can significantly increase this metric.

NPS® (Net Promoter Score)

Assess the willingness of your customers to become advocates for your brand. High NPS scores indicate a satisfied customer base that is more likely to refer your company to others, thereby driving new business and revenue.

CSAT Score (Customer Satisfaction Score)

Measure overall customer satisfaction with your products or services. Elevated CSAT scores correlate with increased customer retention and potentially higher spending per customer.

How CX Impacts Profits

The impact of CX on profit margins is substantial. By strategically allocating your CX budget towards activities that enhance cost efficiency, refine acquisition strategies, optimize expansion efforts, and minimize retention costs, your CX efforts can drive profit growth by:

Trimming Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)

Vigilantly monitor and actively work to minimize the expenses linked to acquiring new customers. By refining marketing and sales strategies, you can not only reduce CAC but also ensure that your acquisition efforts are resource-efficient and highly targeted.

Minimizing Customer Expansion Costs (CEC)

Scrutinize the costs associated with upselling and cross-selling to existing customers. Seek ways to minimize these expenses while simultaneously maximizing revenue from current clients. A strategic CX approach can facilitate these endeavors by identifying opportunities for organic growth.

Optimizing Customer Retention Costs (CRC)

Assess the expenditures involved in retaining customers, including investments in loyalty programs and personalized support. While fostering customer loyalty is crucial, a well-structured CX program can help minimize CRC while still achieving high customer retention rates. This not only preserves your customer base but also preserves profit margins.

allocate cx budget

Where To Allocate Customer Experience Budget

Now that you know what goals you need to accomplish, consider the following customer feedback programs to maximize the metrics above:

NPS & Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys are a widely used method to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. A strong NPS partner can help with designing, distributing, and analyzing NPS survey results. Beyond fielding your NPS surveys, an expert 3rd party should guide you on all aspects of the program, offering best practices and recommendations to maximize your ROI. That includes guiding on closing the loop with promoters, passives, detractors, and non-responders; where to prioritize investments that would have the greatest impact on retention, expansion, and renewal; and sharing unbiased findings with leadership so they can make important decisions that will positively impact customer loyalty.

Post-Onboarding Surveys

The onboarding process is critical to customer success. Onboarding surveys capture feedback from customers during their initial experiences with your products or services. This feedback helps you refine onboarding processes and ensure a smooth transition for new customers.

Churn and Sales Win-Loss Interviews

Understanding why customers leave (churn) or choose your product over competitors (win-loss) is essential for improving CX. Churn and win-loss interview services involve a 3rd party conducting in-depth interviews with former and potential customers to uncover valuable drivers, insights, and trends.

Customer Advisory Boards

Customer advisory boards are composed of select customers who provide feedback and strategic insights. A strong partner can help you establish and manage these boards, ensuring that you have a direct line to your most valuable customers for CX improvement suggestions.

User Testing

User testing is a critical aspect of UX (User Experience) design. Vendors specializing in user testing facilitate usability studies, A/B testing, and feedback collection to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement in your digital products or services. This feedback informs design and functionality enhancements.

If you are looking for a CX Research Vendor, use this checklist to help you decide.

CX Vendor Comparison Chart thumbnail

Build Your CX Team

Building a customer experience team requires a thoughtful approach, encompassing hiring the right talent, developing existing team members, and nurturing a culture of CX excellence. With the right team in place, you can effectively utilize CX tools, manage vendor relationships, and respond to customer needs, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Prioritize CX, and your team will become a driving force in your organization's success.

Develop Your Existing Team

If you already have a team in place, it's essential to develop their CX skills and knowledge. Here's how:

Training and Workshops

Invest in training programs and workshops focused on CX best practices, tool usage, and vendor management. Ensure that your existing team is up to date with the latest trends in customer experience.


Encourage cross-training within your organization to broaden the skills of your employees. This can help you have a more versatile CX team capable of handling various aspects of customer service and experience management.

Mentoring and Coaching

Assign mentors or coaches to team members who may need extra guidance. Experienced CX professionals can provide valuable insights and support to junior members of your team.

calculating budget

How to Calculate Your CX Budget

Now that you know the goals you want to achieve and the tools, vendors, and team you need to achieve your goals, you will need to come up with a number. Do your research and find the costs of tools and vendors you need. Then, figure out how many people you will need to manage these tools/vendors as well as your customers. Once you have all this, add them up and add 10% to it.

If you need help planning your budget or have questions about creating a customer-centric company, please get in touch with us today